Disease : Mahali/Fruit Rot/Nut Fall

  • Mahalifruit Image1
  • Mahalifruit Image2
  • Mahalifruit Image3
  • Mahalifruit Image4


  • Female flowers and immature nuts rot and shed especially during rainy season
  • Nuts of 2-5 months old are highly susceptible
  • Water soaked dark green lesions appear, usually near the fruit stalk of immature nuts, which later turn brown and become irregular in shape .
  • Lesions spread on the husk and endosperm resulting in their discolouration and rotting.
  • Nuts fall prematurely
  • Fluffy white mycelial growth forms on the fallen nuts or buttons
  • Water soaked lesions on the inflorescence and rachis result in rotting and drying of inflorescence and rachis

Spread of Disease

The fungus survives as oospores, chlamydospores and mycelium in the soil, frond base or basal part of the crown. Heavy rainfall, high relative humidity of 94-100% and temperature below 24oC are highly favourable for the disease spread. Dissemination of the disease is primarily by wind and wind blown rain and also by contact between bunches, dripping of rain water from the diseased to healthy bunches and also through insects.

Control Measures

  • Spray 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride (5g/L) on the bunches and crown during monsoon and subsequently twice at 40 days interval along with stickers as prophylatic measure in disease prone area.
  • Collect and destroy the fallen nuts.
  • In disease prone areas, adopt proper spacing of palms.
  • Provide proper drainage.
  • Regular manuring and proper cultural practices reduce the disease incidence.