Pest:Bark Weevil

  • Barkweevil image1
  • Barkweevil image2


  • The adult (Plate83) causes cuts and wounds on the tree (Plate 84) and petioles.
  • It is also found on the tree with stem bleeding disease.
  • At larval stages, the weevil tunnels within the base of leaf petiole, which is close to stem, and as tree trunks.
  • Fibres of the petiole base become loose and the petiole loses its grip to the stem. Fronds thus attacked will hang from the trunk.
  • The adults are seen in large numbers within the bases of fronds.

Control Measures

  • Spray the tree trunks and leaf bases with Quinalphos 25 EC 2 ml/L after removing hanging fronds.
  • Give balanced nutrition to improve the health of the palm.