Disease : Leaf Rot

Leaf rot affects palms of all ages but it is severe in palms below 25 years and also in palms affected with root wilt disease.

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  • The disease appears as minute water soaked lesions on the emerging spindle leaf.
  • Similar symptoms are also noticed on the distal end of younger leaves.
  • Later these lesions coalesce leading to extensive rotting of tissue.
  • The development of the symptoms and rotting is severe at the distal end of the leaf.
  • The tips of the rotten leaflets get cemented together while the base remains open.
  • The rotten portions dry up turn black and are blown away by wind.
  • The basal portion of leaflets may be devoid of symptoms, which gives a 'fan' shaped appearance when the leaf unfurls.

Procedure for Observation

Conduct regular survey of the garden. Mark the trees showing leaf rot symptoms.


Mere presence


The fungus is a wound pathogen.Growth crevices on the trunk formed due to prolonged dry spell followed by sudden and heavy rains, water stagnation, or imbalance in nutrition, excess salinity and stress can act as predisposing or aggravating factors .The maximum symptom of bleeding is observed during July in laterite loam soil.The intensity of the disease is low during summer months.

Control Measures

  • Remove the affected tissues by chiseling and painting the wound with tridemorph 5% and apply coal tar after 1-2 days.
  • Avoid any mechanical injury to the trunk.
  • Apply neem cake @ 5kg/palm in the basin along with other organics.
  • Apply Trichoderma @50 g per palm along with FYM Root feeding with tridemorph 5%, thrice a year during April-May, September-October and January-February can be done to prevent further spread of lesions.
  • Soil drenching with tridemorph @ 25ml in 25litres of water once in four months.