Pest:Erythrina Gall Wasp

  • pest 22
  • pest 23
  • pest 24
  • pest 25


  • This is an alien species, which got introduced in 2004-05.
  • Female wasp (Image1) thrusts eggs into tender tissues of shoots using ovipositor. Apodous creamy white larvae develop individually in chambers of tissues. Proliferation of tissues in the attacked region results in gall formation.
  • Infested leaves fail to attain normal size and shrivel with thick galls on them (Image1,Image2).
  • Galled leaves and tender branches finally dry up.
  • Young plants die and dry up after some time. Mature plants become severely stunted, malformed and present a lean appearance (Image4).
  • The thornless jack (E. lithosperma) is affected severely compared to the local one (E. indica).

Control Measures

  • Being an introduced pest, sustainable control is possible only by introducing natural enemies from the centre of its origin.
  • Lop the affected branches and burn to reduce the inoculum.
  • Systemic granular insecticides like Carbofuran @ 50 g per standard can be tried but care has to be taken to see that there is no residue in black pepper berries. Ensure adequate moisture in the soil at the time of application.
  • Trail pepper on alternate standards such as Matti (Ailanthus malabaricum), Gliricidia (Gliricidia maculata), Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus), Moringa, Karayam (Garuga pinnata) and Pathiri (Stereospermum suaveolens), Silver oak (Grevillea robusta) Payyani (Orthoxylum indicum), Agathi (Sesbania grandiflora).